What is Bio-Well (GDV)?
Bio-Well is a revolutionary tool based on Electro-Photonic Imaging or Gas Discharge Visualization technique (Kirlian effect) made specially for express-assessment of the energetic state of a person. Interpretation of the scans is based on Acupuncture points concept, Auyrveda and many scientific and clinical researches made throughout 20 years. It is fast, visual, reliable and easy to use.
Bio-Well has been developed by an international team led by Dr. Konstantin Korotkov and brings the powerful technology known as Gas Discharge Visualization technique to market in a more accessible way than ever before. The product consists of a desktop camera and accompanying software. Accessory attachments are also available for purchase to conduct Environment and Water scans.
The Technology: GDV Technique
GDV Technique is the computer registration and analysis of electro-photonic emissions of different objects, including biological (specifically the human fingers) resulting from placing the object in the high-intensity electromagnetic field on the device lens.
When a scan is conducted, a weak electrical current is applied to the fingertips for less than a millisecond. The object’s response to this stimulus is the formation of an electronic emission. The electrons emission stimulates gas discharge (glow) that is captured by the video camera and then translated and transmitted back in graphical representations for further analysis.
The image, which we create in Bio-Well instrument, is based on idea of Acupuncture points concept and verified by 20 years of clinical experience by hundreds of practitioners with many thousands of patients. The scanning process is quick, easy and non-intrusive… do it daily for best results! Get real time feedback on what factors – positive and negative – affect your stress and energy state. With the Bio-Well Sputnik accessory measure environment and object energies too! Bio-Well is not a medical instrument. It provides an impression of your energy and stress levels and allows users to see their day-to-day transformation and the influence of different situations and stimuli. Friendly software makes data processing simple and convenient for non-experienced users.

A team of independent therapists and researchers passionate about health, prevention and the GDV Bio-Well technique.
Among the early users of the GDV/EPC system in America, we have been practicing bio-energy and Hypnotherapy for more than 10 years.
BIO-WELL America is an official authorized importer and distributor of Professor Korotkov’s Bio-Well
Where applicable?

Contemporary medicine focuses mainly on treatments based upon both clinical acumen and biomedical diagnostics. An important clinical problem is the assessment, control and maintenance of the functional capacity of a relatively healthy person, a child’s state during the dynamic growth phase and the sick during remission. Therefore, the search for an easy, cost effective method and associated criteria for objective evaluation of health status for both relatively healthy people (RHP) and sick patients appears intuitively obvious and necessary.
Several questionnaires which address particular aspects of the human clinical state are available. Health quality can be well estimated by measuring a number of physiological parameters. However, these questionnaires have several restrictions: a) they are unsuitable for small children; b) they strongly depend upon cultural and other factors of the people questioned.
Therefore, the development of a user-friendly, inexpensive method for objective instrumental evaluation and control of one’s energy and stress levels is highly desirable. One solution is the GDV technique.

Stress is a complex factor that has both an emotional component (anxiety) and a somatic component that results from prolonged exposure to permanent anxiety. Stress has very strong impact on the Energy Field. Images look very specific. Let us see several examples.
As you see the image is very disordered and hollow. This has nothing to do with health condition, but permanent stress and anxiety may have very negative implication to wellness.
Another example of much-stressed person. After seeing this image, person understood that this condition might have very negative effect. Person started a course of meditation and special anti-stress therapy. In a half a year situation changed dramatically (see below)
Being relived by the effect person proceeded with therapy and half a year later improvement became even more clear (see below)
This is a good example how you may follow up transformation of your condition under the influence of different treatment.
From many years of experience in using Energy Field analysis, we may conclude that the aim of any therapy, exercise or treatment should be improvement of the Energy Field image. This is a clear indication of the positive effect of a therapy. This may take some time – we should not always expect immediate effect, but in long run Energy Field should become uniform and balanced.
At the same time, very big Energy Field is not always an indication of good health. As any wellness related parameter, the Energy Field should be in some range. This situation may be tricky – only specially trained professionals can give detailed interpretation of the GDV images.
It is well known that people fell differently depending on environmental situation. In some places you sleep like a baby and wake up full of energy; in other places you have wonderful dreams and travel in beautiful places while you sleep. However, already since thousands of years, the existence of specifc locations where people do not sleep well, get sick more easily, or where performance is lower has been empirically known. What is the difference between all these places? Very little is known in Western science. It is clear that combinations of different causes compose the phenomenon. This is a combination of the influence from the Earth – underground anomalies, hollows, water streams; gases in the atmosphere, both natural and industrial; electromagnetic background; and the influence from the Universe, Sun, Moon and Cosmic rays. Now it is practically impossible to distinguish between all these factors, so we need a common denominator to evaluate the overall situation in the particular place. Only rudimental evidence is available today, if such zones could be measured using accepted physical apparatus.
Bio-Well instrument gives you such an opportunity. Many years of research confirmed the idea that it allows to evaluate the Energy situation in the environment. Expeditions to different parts of the world: Peru, Colombia, India, Myanmar, Siberia, and many others demonstrated sensitivity of the instrument for evaluating environment. Scientifc background has been developed and published in per-review journals, patents have been granted in several countries, and now this instrument has become available for public use.
You need to take measurement for at least 30 min (BW 1.0) or 6 min (BW 2.0); the maximum time is not limited. In a calm, peaceful environment, after initial setting for about 3 minutes signal becomes quite stable (see graph below).
In the Geoactive zone variations of the energy may be very high. Graph below demonstrate the energy variation outside and inside the crop circle in England in summer 2006. As you see, outside the crop circle energy was quite stable, while inside it was increasing during all the time of measurement
Same way you may detect the change of energy during sunrise and sunset, or coming sunder storm. In parallel, you can measure transformation of the Human Energy Field – of yourself and other people. This way you will see you own reaction to the changes in environment. A lot of data are presented in the book by K. Korotkov “The Energy of Space” which may be found on Amazon.com.
Dr. Konstantin Korotkov
Konstantin Korotkov, PhD, Professor, is Professor of Computer Science and Biophysics at St.Petersburg University of Informational Technologies, Mechanics and Optics in Russia and a senior researcher at St. Petersburg Research institute of Physical Activity and Sport. He has published over 400 papers in leading journals on physics and biology(you can find it in the researh section of the IUMAB website or just click here), and he holds 15 patents on biophysics inventions. He is the author of 12 books, translated to many European languages, including “The Energy of Health”, «The Energy of Consciousness», «The Energy of Space», «Electrophotonic Analysis in Medicine», «Light after Life», “The Energy of Health”, “The Emerging Science of Water” and others. You may find some of them at Amazon.com or in the book section.
Prof. Korotkov has led a research career for over 40 years, combining rigorous scientific method with an insatiable curiosity about things of the spirit and the soul with deep respect for all life. He has given lectures, seminars and training sessions in 56 countries, presenting papers and workshops at more than 100 national and international conferences. At the V Congress of the International Union of Medical and Applied Bioelectrography (IUMAB) in Curitiba, Brasil, Dr.Korotkov was elected as President of the IUMAB by the world’s most prominent researchers.
Dr. Korotkov is recipient of several Russian and international prestigious awards, including the Brand Laureate International Brand Personality Award 2013 from Asia Pacific Brands Foundation, Ministry of Sport of Russia Award 2013 and 2017, President of Sri-Lanka Award 2010, President Putin Award 2014, Sultan of Bali Award 2016, Peace Flag Ambassador in Argentina 2017 and others.